Camping in the Rain Hacks: How to Stay Clean and Dry
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Tent camping doesn’t have to be dirty and wet, even during the heaviest downpour. Learn how to tent camp while staying dry and clean. A few simple Camping in the rain hacks is all you need to be ready to tackle Mother Nature.

Those that are unprepared for tent camping often find it challenging should the weather be uncooperative. But, a rainy night or two is nothing to be afraid of on a tent camping trip. Pack a few extra camping supplies and follow some tent camping rules to keep the tent clean and dry.
Camping in the Rain Hacks
Camping Supplies for Tent Housekeeping
Doormats are key to prevent dirt from entering the tent. A large doormat placed outside of the tent door can be used to hold shoes while campers are in the tent. A doormat inside the tent, near the door, will keep dirt from being tracked in on bare feet.
Many tents come equipped with awnings over the entrance. The canopy helps keep the immediate campsite area in front of the tent door dry and free from mud. If the tent doesn’t have an awning, it’s a good idea to fashion a canopy out of a waterproof tarp. Securely fasten the tarp to trees or poles, so it is suspended over the tent.

An air mattress or a bedroll will keep the sleeping area in a tent clean and comfortable. If there are moisture and dirt in the tent, it’s helpful to be off the floor on an air mattress. Air mattresses also provide a more comfortable sleeping surface than the hard ground.
Always pack extra towels. No matter how careful the planning, it is possible it will rain while tent camping. Heavy downpours can result in pools of water inside the tent. Extra towels are invaluable for cleaning up the mess.

Camping Habits for a Clean, Dry Tent
An important tent camping rule is not to let anything touch the tent fabric on the inside. Sleeping bags, backpacks, and other things kept on the tent fabric will invite moisture into the tent during a rainstorm.
Despite best efforts, dirt often finds its way into a tent. Sweeping with a small broom and dustpan each day will keep the sleeping area tidy and comfortable.

Avoid eating and drinking in the tent. Not only does food create a messier tent, but it also creates a camping safety hazard. Bears, insects, and other wildlife may be attracted to the smell of food and will approach a tent looking for a snack.
Planning is one of the keys to a good camping experience, but sometimes, things go astray, such as when an unexpected rain keeps you and/or your camping partners in the tent for an extended period of time. This is why you need to also plan for some things to do should this happen. Below are some ideas.
The most obvious and easiest thing to do is play cards; well, on second thought, maybe not for some people. If you’re an adult, for example, and alone with your significant other, something else might be the first thing to cross your mind, and yes, certainly having some long, slow, intimate “we-time” in your tent while it rains outside can be a truly memorable experience; but then, so can getting naked, exiting the tent and going animal out in the middle of a wild thunderstorm. It’s all in what you like.
But of course, like the rest of life, “we-time” during a rainstorm while camping isn’t always an option, so something else you might try is talking, that lost art of true communication. People have been known to sit or lie back on a sleeping bag and just talk, sometimes for hours on end. It’s one of the nice things about camping.
You don’t have to be anywhere or do anything; there are no deadlines or anxiety; it’s the perfect environment for bonding with the family or just the kids or with friends or whoever you have there in your tent with you.
Board games are also another option, or as some might call them, “bored” games. Of course, you have to remember to bring one or two of them along, and you should probably make sure that most of the people involved actually enjoy playing the games you pick. Also, it’s usually best to choose a game that doesn’t take forever to conclude because you will want to get back outside if the rain stops.
Also, you might want to use your time in the tent to work on a project or hobby. For some people, it might be knitting; for others, wood carving. Whatever it is, it’s good to have something that is easy to pick up and get to do when the rain starts and easy to stop and leave when it stops. Such hobbies are also usually pretty good things to do while talking as well, so in these cases, you might get a two for one.
And finally, if being social isn’t your thing, or you’re alone, you can always pick up a book or magazine and read; but only as a last resort, because it sort of takes you away from the camping experience which you could achieve by just packing up and going home if you’re that bored, tired or miserable.
Tent camping can be an enjoyable experience, as long as the interior of the tent stays clean and dry. Pack a few necessary camping supplies to keep moisture and dirt out is easy with our Camping in the rain hack tips. Practice smart tent camping habits that will make the camping trip more fun than frustrating.
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