Campfire Nachos: The Ultimate Guide to Making Delicious Outdoor Snacks

Campfire Nachos: The Ultimate Guide to Making Delicious Outdoor Snacks

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Campfire nachos are a delicious and easy-to-make meal that is perfect for any camping trip. This beloved happy hour classic has been adapted to be cooked over a campfire, on a grill, or in the oven. It’s a great way to end a day spent outdoors, with a cold beer, warm campfire, and a big plate full of cheesy nachos.

Campfire Nachos Cover Image

There are many variations of campfire nachos, but the basic recipe is simple. Start with a layer of tortilla chips, add seasoned ground beef or chicken, beans, cheese, and any other toppings you like. Then repeat the layers until you have a heaping pile of cheesy goodness. The best part is that there is no need to dirty any dishes, as you can cook and serve the nachos in a cast-iron skillet or aluminum foil packet.

Whether you’re camping in the wilderness or in your backyard, campfire nachos are a crowd-pleaser that everyone will love. They are easy to customize to accommodate various tastes or dietary restrictions. So, gather around the campfire and enjoy a plate of delicious campfire nachos with your friends and family.

History of Campfire Nachos

The history of campfire nachos is not well-documented, but it is believed that the dish originated in the United States in the early 2000s. Nachos have been a popular snack food in the US since the 1950s, but it wasn’t until the early 2000s that they became a popular camping food.

Campfire nachos are essentially a variation of traditional nachos, but with some modifications that make them easier to prepare over an open flame. Instead of being baked in an oven, the nachos are cooked in a cast-iron skillet over a campfire or on a portable grill.

The popularity of campfire nachos has grown in recent years, with many outdoor enthusiasts sharing their own recipes and variations online. Today, there are countless variations of campfire nachos, with different types of cheese, meats, and toppings.

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Overall, campfire nachos are a delicious and easy-to-prepare camping food that has become a staple for many outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you’re camping in the wilderness or in your own backyard, campfire nachos are a fun and tasty way to enjoy the great outdoors.

Ingredients Needed

Campfire nachos are a delicious and easy-to-make meal that can be enjoyed while camping or in the backyard. Here are the ingredients you will need to make a batch of campfire nachos:

  • Tortilla chips
  • Shredded cheese
  • Ground beef or chicken
  • Taco seasoning
  • Water
  • Chopped onions
  • Chopped cilantro
  • Chopped avocado

You can also add other toppings to your nachos, such as black beans, corn, jalapeƱos, or salsa, depending on your preference.

When choosing your ingredients, make sure to select high-quality items that will hold up well over the fire. For example, thicker tortilla chips will be less likely to break when loaded up with toppings, while firmer cheeses will melt more evenly.

To make your campfire nachos, you will also need a large cast iron skillet or Dutch oven, as well as a heat source such as a campfire or grill.

Overall, campfire nachos are a flexible and customizable dish that can be adapted to suit your tastes and preferences. With the right ingredients and equipment, you can easily whip up a batch of delicious nachos that will satisfy your hunger and impress your fellow campers or backyard guests.

Equipment Required

Cooking Utensils

To make delicious campfire nachos, you will need the following cooking utensils:

Cast Iron Dutch OvenThis is the main piece of equipment that you will need to make campfire nachos. It helps to evenly cook the ingredients and melt the cheese.
Cast Iron Skillet with LidIf you don’t have a Dutch oven, you can use a cast iron skillet with a lid to make a smaller portion of nachos. The lid helps to trap steam inside, which helps to melt the cheese and slightly soften the chips.
Spatula or Large SpoonYou will need a spatula or large spoon to scoop out the finished product.

Safety Equipment

It’s important to prioritize safety when cooking over a campfire. Here are some safety equipment that you should bring:

  • Heavy-duty Campfire Grill Grate: This helps to keep the hot coals contained and prevents the fire from spreading.
  • Heavy-duty BBQ Gloves: These gloves protect your hands from the heat of the fire and hot cooking utensils.
  • Log Grabber: This helps you to safely move logs around the fire.
  • Long-handled Metal Tongs: These tongs help you to safely move hot coals and cooking utensils around the fire.
  • Plenty of Napkins: Nachos can be messy, so make sure to bring plenty of napkins to clean up your hands and utensils.

By bringing the right cooking utensils and safety equipment, you can make delicious campfire nachos while staying safe and having fun.

Preparation Steps

Making campfire nachos is a fun and easy way to enjoy a delicious meal while camping. Here are the steps to prepare your own campfire nachos:

Campfire Nachos gather the ingredients
  • Gather the ingredients: You will need tortilla chips, shredded cheese, canned beans, corn, diced green chiles, ground beef, taco seasoning, and any other toppings you prefer such as diced tomatoes, onions, or jalapeƱos.
  • Prepare the Dutch oven: If you build these cheesy nachos in a “naked” Dutch oven, they will stick to the bottom of your cast iron pot. To prevent sticking, add a generous layer of vegetable or olive oil to the bottom of your Dutch oven or use an aluminum or parchment paper liner.
  • Layer the ingredients: Start by adding a generous layer of tortilla chips to the bottom of the Dutch oven. Make sure to arrange them evenly to create a sturdy base for the toppings. Sprinkle generously with a handful of cheese. Then, add a layer of canned beans, corn, diced green chiles, and any other toppings you prefer. Repeat the layers until the pot is filled or you run out of supplies. And of course, every good house needs a roof, so make sure you give a double helping to the top layer.
  • Cook over the campfire: Place the prepared Dutch oven over the campfire and cook for 15-20 minutes. The cheese should be melted and bubbly, and the nachos should be heated through.

By following these simple steps, you can make delicious campfire nachos that are sure to be a hit with your camping crew.

Serving Suggestions

Campfire nachos are versatile and customizable dish that can be served in a variety of ways. Here are a few serving suggestions to help you get started:

  • Top with fresh ingredients: Once your nachos are cooked, consider topping them with fresh ingredients like diced tomatoes, avocado, cilantro, or jalapeƱos. These toppings can add a burst of flavor and color to your dish.
  • Serve with dipping sauces: If you’re serving your nachos as a snack or appetizer, consider offering a few different dipping sauces on the side. Some popular options include salsa, guacamole, sour cream, or ranch dressing.
  • Pair with a cold beverage: Nachos can be a filling and hearty dish, so it’s a good idea to pair them with a refreshing beverage. Consider serving your nachos with a cold beer, soda, or iced tea.
  • Make it a meal: If you’re serving your nachos as a main course, consider adding some additional ingredients to make it a more substantial meal. For example, you could add cooked ground beef, shredded chicken, or black beans to your nachos to add protein and flavor.
  • Serve family-style: Nachos are a great dish to serve family-style, with everyone digging in and sharing from a large platter. This can be a fun and interactive way to enjoy the dish with friends and family.

Remember, the beauty of campfire nachos is that they can be customized to suit your tastes and preferences. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different ingredients and serving suggestions to create a dish that’s uniquely your own.

Storage and Reheating

When it comes to campfire nachos, proper storage and reheating techniques are essential to ensure that leftovers remain safe to eat and maintain their delicious taste.


To store leftover campfire nachos, transfer them to an airtight container or wrap them tightly in foil. Place the container or foil-wrapped nachos in a cooler with ice or in a refrigerator if one is available. If you are camping and do not have access to a cooler or refrigerator, store the nachos in a shaded area away from direct sunlight and heat.

It is important to note that leftover campfire nachos should be consumed within 2-3 days to prevent the risk of foodborne illness.


When reheating campfire nachos, there are several methods you can use, including:

  • Oven: Preheat your oven to 350Ā°F. Place the nachos in an oven-safe dish and cover with foil. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until heated through.
Campfire Nachos reheat in microwave
  • Microwave: Place the nachos on a microwave-safe plate and cover with a damp paper towel. Microwave on high for 30-second intervals, stirring in between, until heated through.
  • Campfire: If you are camping and do not have access to an oven or microwave, you can reheat the nachos over the campfire. Place the nachos in a cast-iron skillet and cover with foil. Heat over the campfire, stirring occasionally, until heated through.

Regardless of the reheating method you choose, be sure to check the temperature of the nachos before consuming to ensure they are heated through to a safe temperature of 165Ā°F.

By following these storage and reheating tips, you can enjoy delicious campfire nachos even after your camping trip is over.

Nutritional Information

Campfire nachos can be a delicious and satisfying snack for outdoor activities, but it’s important to keep in mind the nutritional value of the ingredients used. Here is an overview of the nutritional information for some of the common ingredients found in campfire nachos:

Tortilla Chips

Tortilla chips are a staple ingredient in nachos and can provide a satisfying crunch. However, they are high in calories and sodium. A 1-ounce serving of tortilla chips (about 10-12 chips) contains approximately:

  • 140-150 calories
  • 7-8 grams of fat
  • 18-20 grams of carbohydrates
  • 120-150 milligrams of sodium

To make a healthier version of campfire nachos, consider using baked tortilla chips or reducing the amount of chips used in the recipe.


Cheese is another essential ingredient in nachos that provides a creamy and savory flavor. However, it’s important to keep in mind that cheese is high in saturated fat and calories. A 1-ounce serving of cheddar cheese (about 1/4 cup shredded) contains approximately:

  • 110-120 calories
  • 9-10 grams of fat
  • 0-1 gram of carbohydrates
  • 180-220 milligrams of sodium

To reduce the calorie and fat content of your campfire nachos, consider using a reduced-fat cheese or using less cheese overall.

Ground Beef

Ground beef is a common protein source used in nachos, but it’s important to choose a leaner option to reduce the calorie and fat content. A 4-ounce serving of 93% lean ground beef contains approximately:

  • 150-160 calories
  • 7-8 grams of fat
  • 0 grams of carbohydrates
  • 70-80 milligrams of sodium

To make a healthier version of campfire nachos, consider using ground turkey or chicken instead of beef, or using a vegetarian protein source like black beans or tofu.


Campfire Nachos tomatoes and jalapenos are common nacho ingredients

Adding vegetables to your campfire nachos can increase the nutritional value and add flavor and texture. Some common vegetable options include diced tomatoes, sliced jalapenos, diced onions, and sliced black olives. These vegetables are low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals.

Overall, campfire nachos can be a tasty and satisfying snack for outdoor activities, but it’s important to keep in mind the nutritional value of the ingredients used. By making some simple substitutions and adjustments, you can create a healthier version of this classic dish.

Variations of Campfire Nachos

Campfire nachos are versatile and customizable dish that can be made to suit a variety of tastes and dietary restrictions. Here are some variations to try:

  • Meat options: While traditional campfire nachos are made with ground beef, there are many other meat options to try. Consider using shredded chicken, pulled pork, or even exotic meats like moose or elk for a unique twist.
  • Vegetarian options: For those who prefer a vegetarian or vegan diet, there are plenty of options to make campfire nachos without meat. Try using black beans, refried beans, or seasoned tofu as a protein alternative.
  • Cheese options: While shredded cheddar cheese is a classic choice for campfire nachos, there are many other cheese options to try. Consider using Monterey Jack, pepper jack, or a blend of cheeses for added flavor.
  • Topping options: The toppings for campfire nachos are endless. Some popular options include diced tomatoes, sliced jalapeƱos, black olives, sour cream, guacamole, and salsa. Get creative and try adding your favorite toppings for a personalized touch.
  • Chip options: While traditional tortilla chips are the go-to choice for campfire nachos, there are other chip options to try. Consider using sweet potato chips, pita chips, or even potato chips for a unique twist.
  • Cooking options: While campfire nachos are traditionally cooked over an open flame, there are other cooking options to try. Consider making them in a cast-iron skillet on the grill or in the oven for a different cooking method.

Overall, campfire nachos are a delicious and customizable dish that can be made to suit a variety of tastes and preferences. Experiment with different variations to find your perfect combination.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the recipe for vegan campfire nachos?

To make vegan campfire nachos, replace the cheese with vegan cheese or nutritional yeast. You can also use vegan sour cream and avocado as toppings. Check out this recipe for a delicious vegan version.

How do you make loaded campfire nachos?

To make loaded campfire nachos, start with a layer of tortilla chips in a cast iron Dutch oven. Add a layer of cooked ground beef or shredded chicken, followed by a layer of shredded cheese. Repeat the layers until all ingredients are used up.

Cook the nachos over the campfire or on a grill until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Top with your favorite toppings, such as diced tomatoes, jalapeƱos, and sour cream.

What are some alternative ingredients for campfire nachos?

Instead of ground beef or shredded chicken, you can use black beans or refried beans for a vegetarian option. You can also add diced onions, bell peppers, or mushrooms for extra flavor. For a spicy kick, add diced chipotle peppers or hot sauce.


Can you make campfire nachos on a grill?

Yes, you can make campfire nachos on a grill. Use a cast iron skillet or foil pan and cook the nachos over indirect heat until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

What are some tips for keeping nachos from getting soggy while camping?

To prevent soggy nachos, try to keep the ingredients as dry as possible. Drain canned ingredients, such as beans and corn, before adding them to the nachos. Also, try to cook the nachos over high heat to evaporate any excess moisture.

What are some other popular campfire foods besides nachos?

Some popular campfire foods include s’mores, hot dogs, hamburgers, and kebabs. You can also try cooking foil packet meals, such as chicken and vegetables, over the campfire.

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