How Do You Keep Your Food Cold When Camping Without a Fridge?

How do you keep your food cold when you don't have a refrigerator?  We came up with a whole list of ideas .

Sprinkle salt over your ice. The chemical reaction will slow down the melting process.   Dry ice will not “melt” and water down your food, but isn’t a long-term solution.

Ice It

Build a shelf or using a cooking rack to keep all the food you don't want to get wet above the ice.

Stack It

Use jars – try putting everything, meat cheese, condiments, etc. in wide-mouth, quart canning jars with lids.

Seal It

Use two different coolers; take a “dinner” cooler and a “drink” cooler. Make sure they are both labeled, so no one opens the dinner cooler for anything because they can easily find their drinks.

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