Camping Music for the Modern Camper

Forget Kum Ba Yah; these four playlists  are made up of a  mix of classic  summer songs and some lesser-known tunes that make  ideal music  for camping.

Be sure to have high-energy tracks on hand to bring a level of anticipation in the car on the way to the campground.

Playlist One: On the Road

Connecting with nature is just one of the many benefits of camping. Play songs that will provide a little mood music to enjoy the elements by.

Playlist Two: In Touch with Nature

The right songs can serve as an endorphin elixir to get the energy levels rising. The perfect playlist is the great way to kick-start a hike.

Playlist Three: The Energized Hiker

What can be more romantic than a night under the stars camping with your significant other? It’s a cheap date with guaranteed snuggles.

Playlist Four: The Snugly Couple

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