Always be on the lookout for black bears while camping here. Keep your food and valuables safe. Black bear sightings may not be too common though. They try to keep to themselves.
This is a very ideal camping location for people seeking wild/primitive forms of camping.
There is a rustic cabin, not far from the driveway that is designed to accommodate campers with disabilities.
Vehicles are restricted to certain areas during the winter season. To stay safe while camping during the winter season, consult the park’s office for regulations and advice.
Because of the large space inside Copper Falls State Park, large rigs can be accommodated easily, without feeling too congested or having your privacy violated.
Copper Falls is the predominant waterfall in this park. It is formed as the Bad River cascades through deep gorges and jutting rock formations. A short distance down the stream you will come across the Brownstone Falls.
Kayaks and canoes are available for rental at the park’s office. Boating is popular in the other larger lakes about 10 miles from the park.