The Best Ideas for Camping with Young Kids

Young children are naturally curious and will bring a sense of wonder to the camping experience. From the dirt, sand, and puddles on the ground, to the birds and clouds in the sky, young children are often amazed at the surroundings which adults have begun to take for granted.

Taking steps in preparing children for camping before actually setting out can help families anticipate challenges that might come up.

Preparing Young Children for a Camping Experience

Getting a child used to sleeping in a tent before setting out can help calm both the child’s and the parent’s anxiety.

Tent Practice

Children are often unpredictable and will need full supervision, however, training them to stay away from fires and close to known adults may help make the trip more enjoyable.

Safety Training

Have a list of rules that you discuss with your children prior to the camping trip so they know what is expected of them.

Create Rules

Feeding wild animals can hurt both them and you. They will become more dependent on humans and could suffer when the season is over.

Feeding Animals

Most of the time, both as a child and as an adult, we camped in areas that had public restrooms. That is great, but what if you’re out in the wilderness? You can’t hold it forever.

“I Gotta Go” Rules

Leave every campsite better than you found it. You’ve probably already done a lot of that when you checked the site before setting up your tent.

Leave It Better

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